Mike Waskosky

creating videos, websites, apps, communities and activism templa

    Choose your membership

    Organic banana smoothie
     / month
    • Mike will think of you when he drinks his banana smoothies, for you have paid for many bananas.
    You might like
    Be awesome
     / month
    • Be added to our special email list for our financial supporters, where we will cover all the latest plans and other insight
    • We will love you a lot
    Bring in the New Earth
     / month
    • Tell us where you live, and we will review your region specifically to see if we can do anything to support growth and unity in your area's network.
    • Receive a lot of gratitude
    • Plus all previous rewards
    Meetup.com Pricing
     / month
    • Join in a monthly conference call where we discuss ideas on how to accelerate progress, and any other updates and happenings.
    • Plus all previous rewards
    Whole Foods Pricing
     / month
    • We will work to prioritize your suggestions for features and services, as you are helping to make them a reality!
    • Know you have made us very happy
    • Plus all previous rewards, except for the banana smoothie one, I can afford strawberries and blueberries now
    Making Waves
     / month
    • Receive a 30 minute call from Mike about your ideas, if you would like to share and discuss features or the New Earth.
    • Mike will jump around a bit out of joy before and after the call
    • Plus all previous rewards
    Mike Waskosky

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